Welcome to The New Toronto Academy of Martial Arts!
We have been operating our dojo in south Etobicoke for 30 years and taught many children and adults the essential skills needed to practice Martial Arts. Our students are like family to us and we value their contribution to the dojo as a whole. Fitness and training are key to martial arts but we also teach respect, wisdom and friendship. 尊敬 知恵 友情
Goju Jitsu Ryu is a unique art style combining the core skills from Jui Jitsu, elements found in Goju Karate, Grappling, and other martial arts forming a comprehensive system. This style blends both hard and soft Okinawan techniques to build well rounded martial artists and solid competitors.
Michael is a 7th degree black belt and certified in several martial arts styles including Judo, Wrestling, Jui Jitsu, Karate, Shoot Wrestling, Tai Chi...
My name is Corbin Kosak, but formally I am Renshi Corey. I started training in the martial arts when I was seven years old. Soon after receiving my fi...
I started training in Goju Karate in 1989, I achieved the rank of Shodan. The aspects I really enjoyed to begin with were Goju kata and the rush of ph...
I started training at The New Toronto Academy in July 1994. From day one I fell in love with all aspects of martial Arts. Kata, Throws, Grappling and ...
I have been training at the New Toronto Academy of Martial Arts since 2002, where I started out as an 11-year old putting on what felt like pyjamas an...
I am a 2nd Degree Black belt in Goju jitsu Ryu , Blue belt in Goju Ryu Karate My favorite technique is a spinning sidekick. My Favorite movie is a tie...
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